"What does Halloween mean to you?"

Often the anticipation leading up to "big day" results in a melt down and a not so happy time. We have found that playing games, signing songs and talking about what will happen helps ease the fear.

One of our favorite songs is "knock, knock".

Knock, knock, knock sounds like more
Trick or treaters at my door.
I open the door and who do I see?
I see a _________(child says what they are going to be) looking at me!

We have been talking about what Halloween means to us. It's interesting to see how the older children relate Halloween to candy and the younger ones to dressing up :)

"What does Halloween mean to you?"

"It means you pick pumpkins. My mom is a princess and my dad is her prince" ~ Anthony

"FUN!!!" Gwen

"Scooby Doo and MM (Tommy) is a vampire and get candy with MM." ~ Leesy

"It means you get candy when you knock on the door ... yeah, it does!" ~ Kylie

"We could be fun and happy and get candy. I don't want to be Tinkerbell anymore I changed my mind and I want to be a football team. They get to wear a helmet on their head and its red and I love to be a football team all day 'cause I can wear numbers on my back. But maybe I dont want to be a football team anymore and I have to be Tinkerbell. (big sigh)" ~ Lulu

"An owl, YES!" ~ Oliver

"Uh, I am not going to be pumpkin, right? I am going to get a lolly pop!" ~ Jackson

"I know that we wear costumes and get candy and I get to eat it. I am going to be a dog." ~ Maya

"Fun .. you trick or treat people and they give us candy." ~ Bianca

"Funny pumpkins" ~ Kjeld

"I am going to be Spiderman for Halloween. I think Jackson is going to be a pumpkin. We can play Halloween together." ~ Dylan

"Costume, I want costume" ~ Ezra

"Galen has a costume but I don't know if he wants to wear it. I think its a lion but I didn't really look at it so i don't know. He might be a sheep, I think I will be a tiger." ~ Ariana

"I have to be Minnie Mouse and my Kalen Paul Lopez is a hangaburg (hamburger) and my mom is a zombie and it comes off and on her and my dad too." ~ Beya

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