making applesauce

We welcomed October today by making applesauce. Thank you to everyone who brought in apples. We will be making it again next next week so everyone has the opportunity to participate.

Each child helped as we used a wooden pestle to get the the apple separated from the skin and seeds.   

  • "I like apple pie!" ~    Maya  

  • "It's yummy in my tummy ... applesauce is really messy!" ~ Lulu

 It took a-lot of heard work to get all of the good stuff out!

  • "I want to lick it ... it's really hot  .... you need to let it cool down first" ~ Kjeld

  • "I need a spoon!" ~ Leesy

  • "I do like applesauce but my mom does not buy it like this" ~ Jackson                               

  • "it's coming out" ~ Ariana

  • "Apples are sometimes green and I have a green dress on today .. I like it!" ~ Gwen

  • "Be careful ... hot burn you" ~ Camelia

Ezra found that what he wanted was coming out of the bottom of the strainer.

  • "It's HOT" ~ Ezra 

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