"What does Halloween mean to you?"

Often the anticipation leading up to "big day" results in a melt down and a not so happy time. We have found that playing games, signing songs and talking about what will happen helps ease the fear.

One of our favorite songs is "knock, knock".

Knock, knock, knock sounds like more
Trick or treaters at my door.
I open the door and who do I see?
I see a _________(child says what they are going to be) looking at me!

We have been talking about what Halloween means to us. It's interesting to see how the older children relate Halloween to candy and the younger ones to dressing up :)

"What does Halloween mean to you?"

"It means you pick pumpkins. My mom is a princess and my dad is her prince" ~ Anthony

"FUN!!!" Gwen

"Scooby Doo and MM (Tommy) is a vampire and get candy with MM." ~ Leesy

"It means you get candy when you knock on the door ... yeah, it does!" ~ Kylie

"We could be fun and happy and get candy. I don't want to be Tinkerbell anymore I changed my mind and I want to be a football team. They get to wear a helmet on their head and its red and I love to be a football team all day 'cause I can wear numbers on my back. But maybe I dont want to be a football team anymore and I have to be Tinkerbell. (big sigh)" ~ Lulu

"An owl, YES!" ~ Oliver

"Uh, I am not going to be pumpkin, right? I am going to get a lolly pop!" ~ Jackson

"I know that we wear costumes and get candy and I get to eat it. I am going to be a dog." ~ Maya

"Fun .. you trick or treat people and they give us candy." ~ Bianca

"Funny pumpkins" ~ Kjeld

"I am going to be Spiderman for Halloween. I think Jackson is going to be a pumpkin. We can play Halloween together." ~ Dylan

"Costume, I want costume" ~ Ezra

"Galen has a costume but I don't know if he wants to wear it. I think its a lion but I didn't really look at it so i don't know. He might be a sheep, I think I will be a tiger." ~ Ariana

"I have to be Minnie Mouse and my Kalen Paul Lopez is a hangaburg (hamburger) and my mom is a zombie and it comes off and on her and my dad too." ~ Beya

Welcome Kayden

We have a new friend today :) 

Kayden is 14 months and will be here three days per week.

Congratulations Clark Family

Alana Lauren Clark was born on October 20 at 4:18 pm.

Maya brought pictures today to show her friends :)

Sweatshirts and cooler weather

Unfortunately the time has come ... Autumn is now in full force and the weather is getting increasingly cooler. Please bring a pull-over sweatshirt for your child. We suggest that it be a size larger so it easily fits over layers and is clearly labeled with your child's name. As with ALL clothing we ask that it be media-free.

It will stay here for the fall and winter months and washed weekly with nap items.

Pumpkin Patch

Thank you all for a lovely morning. Aside from the two bee stings and Donkey nibble everyone had a great time!

Pumpkin Patch ~ Tomorrow

The kids are getting excited about tomorrows trip. We have been talking about what there will be to do, see and experience. Although there wont be apples, trees to climb or horses to ride I think they all know what to expect. 

"What are you going to do at the pumpkin patch?" 

"find pumpkins and potatoes like in the back yard" ~ Beya

"ride a horse and the pumpkins are really really heavy" ~ Anthony

"I think I am going to climb up the hay at the pumpkin patch and I am going to eat pumpkin ice cream" ~ Kylie

"I like to milk cows... cows are my favorite animals.. I love them" ~ Gwen

"I am going to pick apples and maybe I can go on the horsey because I will hold onto the handle this time" ~ Jackson 

"we are going to see cows and maybe horses and we going to ride on tractors and buy pumpkins" ~ Ariana

"I am going to eat cheese and see tractors and I want to climb up a tree... I dont have pumpkins and potatoes growing at my house" ~ Lulu

"mommy and grandpa" ~ Camelia 

"I am going to get pumpkins too" ~ Dylan

Because it's close to the coast I do suggest that everyone dress in layers with long pants and wear tennis shoes. 

Driving Directions From Sony Point Road heading South:
  • Right on Mecham
  • Right on Pepper
  • Right on Bodega
  • Left on Spring Hill
Peter Pumpkin Patch / Spring Hill Cheese will be on your right. 
If, for any reason you are unable to join us please send an email so we are not wondering what happened to you.

See you at 9 am 

Welcome back Siwy family

We have a new friend today ~ welcome Adam. 
He is 15 months and will be here full time.

making applesauce

We welcomed October today by making applesauce. Thank you to everyone who brought in apples. We will be making it again next next week so everyone has the opportunity to participate.

Each child helped as we used a wooden pestle to get the the apple separated from the skin and seeds.   

  • "I like apple pie!" ~    Maya  

  • "It's yummy in my tummy ... applesauce is really messy!" ~ Lulu

 It took a-lot of heard work to get all of the good stuff out!

  • "I want to lick it ... it's really hot  .... you need to let it cool down first" ~ Kjeld

  • "I need a spoon!" ~ Leesy

  • "I do like applesauce but my mom does not buy it like this" ~ Jackson                               

  • "it's coming out" ~ Ariana

  • "Apples are sometimes green and I have a green dress on today .. I like it!" ~ Gwen

  • "Be careful ... hot burn you" ~ Camelia

Ezra found that what he wanted was coming out of the bottom of the strainer.

  • "It's HOT" ~ Ezra