At the end of last years gardening season we decided it would be fun to cut up a few potatoes and bury them to see if they would grow. Honestly I did not think they would. According to a few websites I visited you need to chit and prepare them for several weeks before planting. Seemed like too much work so we just quartered a few and covered them with compost. From what I had read, you know they are ready after flowering and since we have dried up leaves and no flowers I thought we better see what was happening.
"We find them in soil, way down below. Eight potatoes for lunch" ~ Elijah
"Potatoes in the garden!" ~ Aydan
"After we dig them we gave them to Brandy and now we will wash them and cook then and eat them for lunch and we don't have to cut them 'cause we have enough for everybody" ~ Caleb
So, although they were very very small we each got to taste one at lunchtime.
"I like sweet potatoes" ~ Nina
"I'm taking the skin off like French fries!" ~ Lulu
"I took a bite and I like it, I want more" ~ Maya
"GOOD!" ~ Elise
Those are some big potatoes. Congratulations!