3 of the 15 butterflies have emerged from their cocoons.
We immediately fed them a juicy orange which they really seemed to enjoy.
Because we had spent so much time learning about what caterpillars eat we thought it would be fun to see how differently butterflies eat. They no longer have a "mouth" but now they have a proboscis. It's a straw-like mechanism that has replaced their mouth.
"You, when you was doing circle you was pretending the straw was a butterfly and a flower and you drank it the flower. Why did you drink the flower? That's funny! I drink apple juice at my house. I pretend to be a butterfly too at snack. Hey, that's me in the picture, I am next to Maya and Leesy and Megan. I like you, even when you are being silly, I do!" ~ Lulu
I demonstrated at circle time with a rose and a straw.
Then they practiced at snack with half straws and yummy "nectar" (AKA mango smoothies).
"Want more" ~ Jackson
"We used straws for our nectar ... we were pretending to be butterflies and the cup was the flower. I think the nectar was nectarines." ~ Bianca
"Drinking nectar like bees was fun, we got to use straws. It tasted like mango" ~ Caleb
"I eat like a butterfly... I like chocolate cream" ~ Elise
They thought laying still in their cocoons was tough ... drinking from those tiny straws was even more challenging ... it was cute to hear "more nectar please" ... "yummy nectar".
Joel and I got a good giggle out of that one. Thanks for sharing! Lulu is never at a loss for words is she?