Look What's Happening

We are waiting for wings .... the caterpillars are changing. 

We now have 5 chrysalis and 10 more caterpillars who are busy eating and growing.

Out in the fields, eggs are hidden from view, 
clinging to leaves with butterfly glue. 
Soon caterpillars hatch. They creep and chew. 
Each one knows what it must do.

Just as our caterpillar friends are changing so are the egg carton ones we made.

We hung them up to rest and change in peace and quiet. It takes a lot of energy to change. 

The Fuzzy Caterpillar (Itsy Bitsy Spider)
The fuzzy caterpillar curled up on a leaf,
Spun her little chrysalis and then fell fast asleep.
While she was sleeping, she dreamed that she could fly
And later when she woke up She was a butterfly!

We practiced wrapping up and laying very still .... it was a-lot of work!!!

We are all very excited to see what will happen next!

1 comment:

  1. Really creative projects. It looks like the kids are really enjoying themselves. Butterflies is such a wonderful theme.
