Pages and Pages of Scribble

We often get an awkward smile or comment when parents pick up their child's never ending pile of scribbled papers in their art file. Although it may just look like scribble it's NOT! Well, it may be scribble today but soon it will be printed words and beautifully drawn pictures full of imagination and creativity. Scribbling is a very important first step. Without time and opportunity to "draw" it will take them longer to learn and feel comfortable with a pencil or wiring implement.

This week we asked the Red Birds to draw a beginning of the year self portrait. The photo below shows 6 samples. These were drawn by children who are within an 8 mo age range. As you can see, the difference is remarkable.

We will continue to give time for kids to practice drawing and hope that you will at home as well!


  1. Our house is overflowing with scribbled paper. OVERFLOWING.

  2. Not that I'm complaining... She draws hands almost better than I do.
    (Poor trees though...)

  3. Luc is always excited to hang up his art at home. :)
