
I'm so excited to be using journals with the Red Birds this year.  They are a 'new to us' project that may be evolving through the year. The goal is for the kids to write in them twice a week. Once will be related to the letter of the week and the other will be theme related, math, science or art. We will begin the year with a few "about me" pages. We will occasionally put them out at pick-up time for you to look at. 

Thank you Kathryn (Lucas' mom) for donating a set of composition books. 

At the beginning of the year, we walk the kids through the process of opening the cover of their journal, then go page by page until they come to the first page that is still left blank before they begin adding something new.

  • Finding the next new page helps the children to use their journals in an organized fashion.
  • Finding the next new page helps us (teachers or parents) to go back through the timeline of their journal entries.
  • Starting at the beginning and finding the next new page emulates the reading and story telling process for the kids. 

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