Last year we began using the Handwriting Without Tears program. We had so much success that we will be using it again this year. What I like most about the program is how it helps the children learn the correct way to form the letters and makes it fun in the process. This year the goal is to explore each letter through the 5 senses.
The letter of the week will be added to the calendar for your reference and we encourage your child to bring a sharing that corresponds to that letter. You may also incorporate your snack into this as well.
The Letter B
Taste - Bananas and Blueberries, Bagels,
Touch - Black Bean and Barley Sensory Bin, Blue Glue Collages
Hearing - Bells, Bongo, Wheels on the Bus
Sight - Brown Bear, Brown Bear Book, Sorting Buttons, Blowing Bubbles
Smell - Blue Flowers