Summer and Fall Enrollments

It’s that time of year again…. time to plan your child’s summer and fall enrollment. Sadly, we will be losing several Red Birds who are going to Kindergarten.

Please take some time to consider your families desired schedule.This years schedule worked very nicely (Blue Birds on T / Th and Red Birds on M/W/F). Although challenging for working families it really is best for the kids as well as our ability to create an age appropriate curriculum. 

To ensure everyone has the schedule they need we as that each family do some advance planning.

Please make completing and returning this form a priority. It will determine our true availability to newly enrolling families. Schedules are first come first serve (see the board for availability).


  • “Summer” is June 3 to Aug  16th.

  • If you want to make a change, add a day or extend (stay for nap) now would be the time to do it.

  • Please indicate the HOURS as well as days you are requesting.

  • If your child will not be returning please indicate the month that will happen. You must still give 30 day written notice when your child leaves (the attached form does not count).

  • We will do our best to accommodate schedule requests but your current schedule can not be guaranteed. If possible, we ask that 2 day / week families choose T/Th and 3 day / week families choose M/W/F. Non-traditional schedules will be considered depending on availability. 

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