Godzilla and MooMoo

Today we had two wonderful rabbits spend the morning with us. Ruby brought Godzilla and MooMoo to share. Every child had several opportunities to touch and feed them. Both rabbits were very gentle and outgoing. We hope they can come again tomorrow :) 

After a bit Ruby wasn't too sure she really wanted everyone feeding her bunnies but then I told her that she could introduce them at circle time and she was OK 


  1. Thanks Ruby for sharing your rabbits with us. Alana came home literally hoping :)

  2. Yes, thank you Ruby! Beckett really loved your rabbits and told me all about feeding them. You are so sweet to bring them to show and tell.

  3. Ruby was very happy to share, for the most part :-) Alana and Beckett will have to come over some time to play with the rabbits at our house!
