The adventures of the gingerbread baby

He's a sneaky one that little gingerbread baby! He escaped the oven on both Monday and Tuesday! Thank goodness several moms (and siblings) saw them out and about and shared their sightings. From what we can gather they (one or both) went to the park, rode on a doggie, went to the library and were last seen at the Cotati fire station. Friday morning Camelia and Jackson found some crumbs and a note by the back door! Although we may never know what really happened we want to thank you all for helping us create a magical experience for the little ones. 

Hey! What happened? 

The clues we received 

Adam "reading" us the note that the gingerbread boy left for us  on Thursday night 

Looks like he fell and crumbled :( We hope Oso didnt eat him! 

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