Happy Hanukkah

We were very grateful to Ronen's mom Charlotte and Ripleys mom Mariah who both shared their families Hanukkah traditions. Below are some pictures of the many things we did on Monday and Wednesday of this week. 

We set up a table last week for the kids to begin practice spinning the dreidel. 

We also learned about the Star of David and how it has 6 sides (and is the shape of two triangles) 

Ripley brought in his families menorah to keep on the Hanukkah table. 

Ronen wore his yamakah and brought in a BIG dreidel. 

Charlotte read us the story of the run away latkes (which was very similar to the gingerbread man story) 
We snacked on yummy latkes and homemade applesauce

Charlotte sang in Hebrew while lighting the menorah 

The kids learned that the candles are lit from right to left because that is how the Hebrew alphabet is read. 

Then it was dreidel time! They each got a turn with the large one (which was easier for little hands) 

Ripley brought dreidels for everyone to take home. 

Today we made challah bread 

First we braided it 

Not too shabby for my first time :) 

Smelled so good they all wanted to come and see. 

Jello Jiggler Dreidels (thanks Charlotte)

Last but not least ... the letter of the week is H. The kids were able to incorporate several of the new words they learned in our books to their list. Hanukkah, Hebrew, Hora, Hay! 


  1. Thanks for letting us share our families traditions.

  2. Thanks for letting us share our families traditions.
