The adventures of the gingerbread baby

He's a sneaky one that little gingerbread baby! He escaped the oven on both Monday and Tuesday! Thank goodness several moms (and siblings) saw them out and about and shared their sightings. From what we can gather they (one or both) went to the park, rode on a doggie, went to the library and were last seen at the Cotati fire station. Friday morning Camelia and Jackson found some crumbs and a note by the back door! Although we may never know what really happened we want to thank you all for helping us create a magical experience for the little ones. 

Hey! What happened? 

The clues we received 

Adam "reading" us the note that the gingerbread boy left for us  on Thursday night 

Looks like he fell and crumbled :( We hope Oso didnt eat him! 

Congratulations Eichenseher Family

Isabelle is a big sister

Emma was born at home on 12-15 weighing 9 lbs 8 oz

Isabelle shared pictures of her new baby at circle-time. 

Misc. Notes and Reminders

It's time for wipes again ... please bring in a pack or two

We have a bug going around ... please keep sick kids home for a FULL 24 HOURS after the last symptom is gone. With many families traveling later this week, festivities to attend and two families with newborns we must work together to keep everyone healthy. 

This Friday will be our last day of care for 2013. We will reopen on Wednesday January 2nd. 

January tuition paid with a check or cash should be made this week to avoid late charges. Checks will be held until the date indicated or the 31st. 

The Gingerbread Baby

I'm sure everyone can recall the classic story of the Ginerbread man ... "you can't catch me .. I'm the gingerbread man" ... unfortunately in the end he is eaten by the fox. Well, in the book we have been reading at school the Gingerbread Baby offers a delicious twist to a favorite old tale.This version is written by this months featured author, Jan Brett.

It all begins when Matti opens the oven too soon and out jumps a cheeky little Gingerbread Baby. He leads Matti's mother and father, the dog and the cat, and a whole colorful cast of characters on a chase through the village and into the forest, staying just out of reach, daring them to catch him all along the way.

Next Monday and Tuesday morning we will be making our own gingerbread men and I have a funny feeling that a few of them will run away!!
So, if you see one running by, could you let us know? Just write a short note telling us about the gingerbread man and where you saw him on a postcard or card and stick it in our mailbox. We will be checking the mail during first circle on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. 
Thank you so much for helping keep awe and wonder alive for our little ones. This has become one of my favorite activities we do each year and appreciate you all joining in. 

These are the reasons the Red Birds think the gingerbread man ran away.                                                                                  My favorite: "He is running to buy a car so he doesn't have to run anymore." 

Congratulations Davis Family

Addie is a big sister! 

Cassadee Amber was born 12-12-12 :) 

Addie shared pictures of her new baby at circle-time. 

Happy Hanukkah

We were very grateful to Ronen's mom Charlotte and Ripleys mom Mariah who both shared their families Hanukkah traditions. Below are some pictures of the many things we did on Monday and Wednesday of this week. 

We set up a table last week for the kids to begin practice spinning the dreidel. 

We also learned about the Star of David and how it has 6 sides (and is the shape of two triangles) 

Ripley brought in his families menorah to keep on the Hanukkah table. 

Ronen wore his yamakah and brought in a BIG dreidel. 

Charlotte read us the story of the run away latkes (which was very similar to the gingerbread man story) 
We snacked on yummy latkes and homemade applesauce

Charlotte sang in Hebrew while lighting the menorah 

The kids learned that the candles are lit from right to left because that is how the Hebrew alphabet is read. 

Then it was dreidel time! They each got a turn with the large one (which was easier for little hands) 

Ripley brought dreidels for everyone to take home. 

Today we made challah bread 

First we braided it 

Not too shabby for my first time :) 

Smelled so good they all wanted to come and see. 

Jello Jiggler Dreidels (thanks Charlotte)

Last but not least ... the letter of the week is H. The kids were able to incorporate several of the new words they learned in our books to their list. Hanukkah, Hebrew, Hora, Hay! 

All Aboard

We had a wonderful morning aboard the Polar Express

The morning began with the movie being available for those who wanted to watch. Kids came and went as they wanted but for the most part the majority watched the whole movie.

When then gathered to take our own ride on the train.

Everyone got their very own golden ticket 

                    Our furry friends waited for us on the loft while we had snack and played outside 

While the others watched the movie Lucas helped set the train up. He sat very patiently and excitedly for his friends to join him. 

                            Thank you to the moms who brought in party favors, snacks and goodies.

Polar Express Party

Don't forget tomorrow is our polar express party! Please come in your comfy pajamas with your favorite stuffed animal and bring a sweet (or not so sweet) treat to share. (Fruit and other non cookie items welcome). We do not need everyone to bring a food item so don't feel pressured if time or your budget does not allow. 

Santa Clause is Coming to Town!

The Rohnert Park Safety Officers Association is teaming up with Santa once again when the jolly old elf journeys to several different neighborhoods before Christmas Eve. He'll visit with kids and take photos with them, and listen to their Christmas wishes. While there, Santa is also accepting unwrapped presents to give to needy children, as well as monetary donations (or mail to P.O. Box 1012, Rohnert Park, CA 94928).
Here are the dates and locations Santa will be visiting (Rohnert Park's various neighborhoods, or sections, are lettered):
Dec 5: F/H/G Sections — Santa will drive through F Section around 6 p.m. and stop at Hahn Elementary School. Then he will drive through the area and stop at G Park at 7:30 p.m.
Dec. 7: D/E Sections — Santa is visiting the D and E Sections until 6:30 p.m., then will be at the fire station, 5200 Country Club Drive.
Dec. 8: S/J/R/C Sections — The sleigh will pass through all four neighborhoods until 6:30 p.m., when he stops at the Community Center, 5401 Snyder Lane.
Dec. 12: L/M Sections — Santa's sleigh will glide through the L section before stopping at L Park Drive at 6 p.m., then continue on through the M section until he stops at M Park at 7:30 p.m.
Dec. 14: A/B Sections — The jolly guy will travel through the A & B sections and then stop at 49er Pet store (375 Southwest Blvd.) at 6:30 p.m.
Dec. 15: — Santa rounds out his holiday drive with a visit to the west side of Rohnert Park, stopping at Applebee's Restaurant (501 Rohnert Park Expressway) at 6:30 p.m.