
With a new school year upon us and several new families I wanted to post a few reminders about snack.

The calendar is posted on the blog by the beginning of each month. Your scheduled day is noted by a sticker next to the date on your child's sign in sheet. It is your responsibility to check and note the appropriate date. I do try to have it be around the same time each month.

Suggested snack ideas are posted on the left hand side of the blog. Please bring enough for 12 hungry kids. Check serving sizes and amounts if bringing pre-packaged items. IE yogurt / applesauce should be individual containers (preferred for easier serving) or two large ones.

We also ask that it be brought ready to serve (if at all possible).

Birthday's are celebrated and on those months you will be asked to bring a snack in addition to your child's Birthday treat. Treats can be fun and may include cupcakes, pudding, jello etc... we do ask that you also bring a fruit or protein as this will be the snack for the day.

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