Buddy Bag ~ Pete the Cat

While at Early Head Start Kathy and the other teachers administered a program called Raising a Reader. Each week a child took home a bag that contained books and encouraged the parents to read to their kids ... extending the home / school relationship. 

We thought it might be fun to begin a similar program with our kids! Since Pete the Cat has become our unofficial mascot we thought it might be fun to start with him and one of his books. 

Each child will have the opportunity to take Pete home for a weekend to share their experiences with him.  The children will then be encouraged to draw a picture  and with their parents help to write in the journal, telling about their adventures.  Also included in the bag is a photo album for a picture of the child and Pete. We encourage the kids to take him out and show him their world (I don't think he has been to the beach or the grocery store before!). 
He also loves to take a spin in the washing machine with a mom or dad's help!

The children will then be provided the opportunity to share with the class what they drew and wrote in the journal and discuss their special time spent with Pete.

Your time with Pete will be listed on the blog and will be done in reverse alphabetical order beginning with Ruby and ending with Adam. 

Kathy and I hope you have fun with this and we hope to continue with other books and themes later in the year. 

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