Misc ..... This Week

 Change is often challenging  but at the same time it's also good and healthy! Anna and I are finding our rhythm and getting to know each other.  I am so glad that I found her and am happy to welcome her ideas into the classroom.

A few notes, reminders and achievements
  • First and foremost ... Ian is now a Red Bird and very proud of himself.  We have a smaller older kid group on Wednesdays and Fridays and so we let him "try" to sit in and he did wonderfully! Anna will be working with these kids (3 and older) daily from 9:30 to 10:10 am.
  • Anna will be doing her own blog posts (weekly) to share current curriculum and activities.
  • We will be closed Monday for MLK Day
  • Finally ... Galen, Ariana's 5 year old brother will be here 3 afternoons per week from 1:45 / 2:00 pm until pick-up. State licensing requires that parents sign a waiver when a school age child is in care. In an effort to  stream line the paperwork process I will ask that everyone sign a form (in your sign in sheets next Tuesday / Wednesday) regardless if your child will be here during those hours or not. The waiver states that I can have one kindergartener in my ratio when no more than 2 children are under 2 years old. Because we only typically have a max of 6 kids for nap this will bring the allowable number to 7. Please let me know if you have any questions. Galen was in the program before and most of the kids know him from being with Rachel when she picks up.

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