Red and Blue Birds

It's been a few weeks since we began our new morning schedule and we all love it! Spending time with the small groups is allowing us to work individually with each child and focus our curriculum to be more age appropriate for the group. Each morning the Blue Birds (under 3.5) and Red Birds (3.5 to Pre-K)  spend about 35 minutes with their group.

This morning we explored apples 

First, we gathered as a large group to examine the apples; touching, smelling and talking about them.

Brandy cut them up to find out what might be inside. 

We then separated into small groups. Blue Birds sang a song about apples and then made apple print patterns on strips of paper. 

The Redbirds began their group time by reading the book Amazing Apples.

They then rotated through two stations. At one they looked at the book and colored in their own "parts of the apple" picture. We didn't label them but ask them as they should know all of the parts.

The second station allowed them the opportunity to create an apple tree (or anything they wanted) with melting crayons.

We concluded the morning by eating apples for snack! Unfortunately we also celebrated Camelia's Birthday so talk of apples ceased the minute they saw cupcakes. (which were very yummy)

Our exploration of apples will continue for the next few weeks as part of the larger theme of Autumn and Farm. If you have apples, related books or games or the like please bring them in to share.

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