New Milk Regulations

The USDA has sent down new regulations regarding milk for children who participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. As of October 1st they will be enforcing the provisions outlined in the Healthy, Hunger-free Kids Act of 2010 (who knew there was such a thing?)

The 2010 Dietary Guidelines recommend that all children over the age of 24 months drink fat-free (skim) or Low-fat (1%) milk.

Although I personally do not agree with these mandates we must follow the rules of the program and will begin to serve 1% milk next week.

  • Any family who wants their child to drink whole milk must get a signed Dr's note. 
  • Any family who wants their child to drink almond or soy milk must write a letter stating that it is their families desire that their child not drink cows milk and state a dietary need (ie: vegan).
I am very curious what your thoughts are on this new policy and encourage your comments. 

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