Sea Stars

Not only did we have fun learning interesting facts about Sea Stars, we were able to take art outside.

After painting the echinoderms we took them outside and used sand to recreate their protective body "Armour".
A few fun facts that we learned today .....
"Them live on rocks in the water" ~ Jackson

"If their arm is eaten they will grow another one" ~ Maya

"It's pretty" ~ Arianan

"It's not a fish but they have eyes and can see under water" ~ Bianca

"My Sea Star is purple" ~ Lulu

"They don't swim but they get hold by boys, not me, just in Hawaii they do" ~ Aydan

"They sit on rocks, silly Megan" ~ Beya

From the Monterey Bay Aquarium (click link to hear the song)

Living in the sea
My tiny tube feet
Are very sticky
When I get hungry
For an ocean treat
I take my stomach out to eat!

With spiny skin
My arms are called rays
Pointed and thin
If I lose an arm
I can grow it back again
I'm an invertebrate
That can regenerate!

Sea Star, Sea Star, Sea Star
Such a pretty sight
But what an appetite!

I'm a Sea Star
Living in the sea
The mussels and oysters
Are all afraid of me
'Cause when I get hungry
For a little more
I vacuum clean up
The ocean floor!

Sea Star, Sea Star, Sea Star
Such a pretty sight
But what an appetite!

I'm a Sea Star
Living in the sea
When I get hungry
For an ocean treat
I take my stomach out to eat!

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