Misc Reminders

Book Orders are due ... for every order we get an immediate coupon for $3 as well as points to use to purchase books or classroom supplies. 

Pumpkin Patch slips and money are due by Friday 

The weather is changing ... please bring in a pull-over hooded sweatshirt to leave here. It's also suggested that children wear layers which can be put on or off depending on our activity. We will go out daily unless it is raining hard. 


Parking Reminders: Please pull up PAST the mailbox allowing room for others to park behind you. If ALL spaces on this side are taken you may park across the street but please do not park facing the wrong direction ... the fine for facing backwards and or parking more than 18" from the curb is $45. RP had been out in full force (I know this from recent personal experience!). 

We are having quite a few late and hurried afternoon pick-ups. Please try arrive by 3:45. This will allow a few minutes for your child to clean up his activity, gather his stuff and time for you to check in about his day. 

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