Happy Halloween!

Here's a peek at the last week  ... Come on in ... Don't be afraid! 


Pumpkin hats and capes for dress-up. Preparing for costumes.

Tonging pumpkin pom poms 

Felt Jack 'O Lantern Faces 

Spider Sorting ... Small, Medium and LARGE! 

Play-doh Faces 

Roll the dice and add that many pumpkins to the gate 
Pumpkin Pin Punching 

Can you believe it? 35.2 Lbs

What's inside? 


564 seeds! 

It took a LONG time to count all of the seeds in groups of 10 


Reciting 5 little pumpkins 

Ghosts in the sensory table 

Getting the seeds out of the goop 

thank you to everyone who brought in pumpkin guts to add to the goop

Dramatic play ... grocery store 

Blow Painting Monsters 


The kids are getting very creative 
Witch Fingers for the Halloween Party (Thank you to everyone who brought in a treat to share)  

Mummy Dogs for Halloween Lunch (we have very creative parents!) 

Yoga and Movement to get some energy out 

Making Magic Monster Slime! 

We had to make 4 batches it was so popular! 

The 3 Little Skeletons  

Movie Time ... they got very very quiet! 

Everyone is their PJ's 
If you're excited and you know it shout "Happy Halloween!" 

Pajama Day!

In an effort to make Halloween as fun as possible and not taking the risk to dirty / damage costumes we will be having a pajama party on Wednesday Oct 31st. Girls are welcome to wear nightgowns with leggings (we have had requests) and media images are OK for this spacial day.   We have several fun activities planned which include hot chocolate and a movie! 

Blue Birds ... don't worry, we will have another Pajama Day in December for our Polar Express Party which will be on Tuesday December  11th. 

October Songs

Often parents and grandparents ask us for words to the songs we sing. Here are two fun ones we are signing for October. Of course, they all stopped signing as soon as I got the camera out :( 

Gorkin was a Goblin, he was very green.
He tried to scare some rabbits before Halloween
So he crept up to the window and he shouted 'Boo ! ! !'
   But it wasn't Halloween yet so the rabbits just said 'Shoo'

Looking For Dracula is the other song we want to share with you. It's a really fun song for Halloween from bilingual canadian artist, Charlotte Diamond (10 Carrott 
Diamond)  If you thought "going on a bear hunt" was fun ... you will love this one! 

It's best heard in it's original form which can be found here for free. 

Pumpkin Patch

Thank you all for a wonderful morning  
If anyone has pictures to add to the album please email them to me.

Wanted: Pumpkin Guts

I realize this is a strange request but we would like to fill the sensory table with as much pumpkin slime / seeds and stuff as possible. 

If you happen to be cutting your Jack 'O Lantern this weekend please save the stuff typically thrown away. It will keep nicely in a zip-lock bag thrown in the freezer. 

We will be exploring pumpkins on Monday and Tuesday of next week. 

Thank you all in advance! 

Pumpkin Patch This Friday

The kids are getting excited! 

Spring Hill Cheese / The Great Peter Pumpkin Patch 

4235 Spring Hill Rd., Petaluma 
Please plan to arrive by 9 am (It take a full 30 minutes from G section).

Driving Directions From Sony Point Road heading South:

  • Right on Mecham
  • Right on Pepper
  • Right on Bodega
  • Left on Spring Hill

Peter Pumpkin Patch / Spring Hill Cheese will be on your right. 

If, for any reason you are unable to join us please send me a text 235.3722 so we are not wondering what happened to you.

See you at 9 am 

Introducing "Eddie" the Scarecrow

We had fun creating a scarecrow this morning with the Red Birds 

Down on the Farm Week

Farm Week and The Letter "B"

Misc Reminders

Book Orders are due ... for every order we get an immediate coupon for $3 as well as points to use to purchase books or classroom supplies. 

Pumpkin Patch slips and money are due by Friday 

The weather is changing ... please bring in a pull-over hooded sweatshirt to leave here. It's also suggested that children wear layers which can be put on or off depending on our activity. We will go out daily unless it is raining hard. 


Parking Reminders: Please pull up PAST the mailbox allowing room for others to park behind you. If ALL spaces on this side are taken you may park across the street but please do not park facing the wrong direction ... the fine for facing backwards and or parking more than 18" from the curb is $45. RP had been out in full force (I know this from recent personal experience!). 

We are having quite a few late and hurried afternoon pick-ups. Please try arrive by 3:45. This will allow a few minutes for your child to clean up his activity, gather his stuff and time for you to check in about his day. 

Welcome Isabelle

We have a new friend this week 

Isabelle, who will turn 2 on Wednesday, will be here 2 mornings per week 


We have been having some issues and have a new log-in / activation code: LLRD7


Orders will be due by October 10th.

Wordless Wednesday

A new peg board

Matching upper and lowercase letters

Creating letters 

Sorting bugs

Cutting paper, lacing and gluing 

Still life drawing 

Ian made an I out of the hollow blocks outside ~ he then turned it into a T for "toilet" 

Small group time ~ lacing with Karen 

Picture Pegs ~ great fine motor 

Apple Variety Chart 

Exploring apples outside circle time ~ Lilly found the seeds

Busy loading and unloading rocks 

What's inside? 

Riding and Rocking 

Sorting by color from darkest to lightest