Summer Bucket List

Summer vacation is here ... now what? 

It happens every year: we tell ourselves that the Summer two thousand-whatever is going to be the BEST summer ever and then before you know it it's August, and your family hasn't done much. We are all busy. Time flies by as days turn into weeks and weeks into months (I also know from experience that before you know it your preschoolers will be grown and gone). 

Summer outings and activities dont need to be camping in Yosemite or elaborate weeks at Disneyland. Nor do they need to break the bank. Melanie has told me she remembers hikes and picnics in Armstrong Woods, Saturday morning farmers market, ferry rides to Angel Island, family movie nights and trips to the zoo just as fondly as our big family trips.

The key is to plan these activities so that the summer doesn't slip away. Creating a list helps to be intentional with your time and do things you have always “talked” about, but never got around to.

A few ideas to get you started:
  • Make juice popsicles or home made ice cream
  • Feed the ducks
  • Make play-doh
  • Movie in the park
  • Walk around Spring Lake
  • Roller Skating
  • Go camping at the KOA (we used to go to Cloverdale and the kids thought we were in the boonies)
  • Bake cookies for a neighbor
  • Fly a kite at the beach
  • Take a before breakfast walk
  • Create a cooperative family art piece and hand it up for everyone to see! 
 What fun things are your kids going to remember doing this summer?

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