Listening Walk

Today was too soggy to out back but the perfect day to go on a listening walk around the neighborhood. Not only did it give them the opportunity for some much needed exercise it was also the perfect opportunity to explore the changes in the environment and practice their listening skills. They also came home with new vocabulary that they were excited to share me.

"Put on your socks and shoes — and don't forget your ears!We're going on a listening walk.  
Do not talk. 
Do not hurry. 
Get ready to fill your ears with a world of wonderful and surprising sounds."

This is what they heard: 
Jackson: "Water in the street. It used to be rain, we was watching it fall down into the drain. It sounded like a shower."

Ariana: "I didn't hear anything on the walk but I did find a caterpillar. Leesy stepped on it and it got an owie on its back." 

Izabella: "yeah" (pointing to outside)

Leesy: "I hear the water and I see a snail with no shell. Brandy hold it, her hand got yellow"

Lulu: " It was a kitty cat. It was a strange kitty and Brandy told us we can't touch it because it's strange. He was back like my kitty Alex. My kitty was name Alex and then we had a kitty named Alex and he ranned away because he was strange to me when I was a baby. We found kind of a straight worm and it was moving and Brandy touched it because it was flat. Them are usually round but this was NOT! Then we kept going after that we we went back to Megan's house."

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