Photos wanted for a friends book

From: Elizabeth Pantley, Author

The "No-Cry" Solution Book Series

Hi ~

I'm just finishing up the next book in the No-Cry Series -- The No-Cry Picky Eater Solution. We are now in the process of accepting photos to determine which will be included in the next No-Cry book. If we use one of your photos then you will receive a free autographed book!

Please submit your child's "food-related" photo - eating/preparing/growing/shopping. (Ages 2 to 6)

Close-ups with less background are best! Funny or unique poses are welcome! (You may submit more than one photo.)

Please send your photo as a jpg attachment along with the permission found on the top,  right of my website home page.


Elizabeth ~

Elizabeth Pantley, Author
For tips, contests, updates and more

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