"I live in Rohnert Park, California"

As we continue to learn all about our friends Brandy and I are noticing that many of them do not know where they live.  So this week we have been playing games, charting the cities and singing silly songs to reinforce this important safety skill. We encourage you to continue at home! 

"where oh where does ____ live?
where oh where does ____ live?
where oh where does ____ live?"

(child answers) I live in _____.

The goal would be (that by the time they are three) they are able to clearly state their full name, their parents names and the city and State in which they live. Although parents may think that their address is important and should be taught first, the City and State are more unique and helpful in an emergency situation.

Our three year old's will also be working on their phone numbers in October.

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