Happy Social Media Day!

Today we acknowledge and celebrate the evolution of media becoming a platform for social interaction. It’s a day to celebrate the changes in media that have empowered us to stay connected to information in real time.

For some of us, every day is social media day :) I have to say that I am grateful to be able to connect with you via this blog and my friends and family on Facebook.

I hope that this little blog, although far from daily, is useful and something you would like to see continued ..... I appreciate your feedback ... please share what you would like to see.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this wonderful blog-although we haven't been commenting- we HAVE been reading and even used the developmental screening tool (on the bottom right side of the page) I love the pictures also!!

    I am glad you brought up the "small creature kindness training." We went through it with our small dog awhile ago-and now Ez has just started to take interest with the tinier creatures, like ants and beetles (and plants too!!)

    I love knowing that you guys take the time to emphasize these things at Peek-a-boo and send gentle reminders to us parents to do the same!!

    I hope you enjoy your upcoming well deserved break and yay for Social Media day and this awesome blog!!

    Emily, Ez, Bob & Stubbs
