Happy Social Media Day!

Social Media has become an integral part of every day life for most here in the US. It connects us to one another on a much different level than we might get otherwise .. I, for one, LOVE it! That being said there are a few too many different outlets for my liking. Yes, I might be on Linked-In but really, why? I don't twit or tweet nor do I have Circles of friends. I do, however, LOVE Facebook and Pinterest. 

If you send me a request in Linked-In, Google + etc... I probably wont reply. 

I often get requests to be "Friends" with parents and don't mind (feel free to find me). I will say, if you are easily offended or get annoyed reading about my dog and how cute he is then I suggest you don't friend me.  However, I think it's fun to see what the families are doing and share that with the kids (ie: "I saw that you and daddy went fishing" or "somebody slept in a big boy bed last night!"). Social media was meant and built upon the idea of making connections and what better way to do that? 

Pinterest, on the other hand, is my personal place to organize curriculum ideas ... I have several parents following me and can't really figure out why. I don't have anything personal ... it's all Montessori, preschool theme and special needs related items. 

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