Looking Ahead

I can't believe we are more than half way through April already! Typically this is the time of year that we send out written summer and fall enrollment requests. However, in an effort to cut down on needless paper waste, I am just going to ask everyone to please touch base regarding your child's schedules. This includes withdraw, changes to schedule(increase or decrease) and vacation schedules. We have a few families on a waiting list for both summer and fall and would like to be able to tell them soon if they can plan on an opening or not.

Summer theme schedule and closures will be posted by May 1st. 

M / W / F and T / Th spots take priority to mixed days. 

Please reply even if there will be no changes ~ all kids will be added to the schedule on a first come first serve basis. 

Please reply even if you think you already let me know your schedule.

Friday's Picnic

  • It will be a regular morning for those scheduled to be here.
  • Non-perishable items can be brought tomorrow or Fri morning at drop-of
  • If you would like to walk with us please be here by 10:45 am.
  • The egg hunt will begin at 11 am SHARP in the baseball field at G Park 
  • Please bring a basket! 
  • Siblings are welcome to attend but the egg hunt will only be for the kids enrolled. Older siblings will get to hunt for one special egg. 
  • It should be fun ... don't forget your cameras :)

Spring Picnic and Easter Egg Hunt

 You Are Invited 

Our annual picnic will be on Friday April 18th 11 am (SHARP) at G Park. All families are welcome to attend this popular event. A potluck sign up list will be available this Thursday and Friday.

Please note: We will be open in the morning however NO afternoon care will be available. 

Each child is asked to bring their own Easter basket

Welcome Back Davis Family

We are happy to welcome back the Davis family. It seems like yesterday that Addie was introducing Cassadee to her friends.


We have 6 kids out today with croup or croup-like coughs. 

If your child shows signs of anything more than a CLEAR runny nose and very occasional cough we must ask that they stay home. 

We seemed to make it through the Holiday season free of any major illness breakout and hope to avoid it again now. 

Dates To Remember

Monday Feb 10th ~ CLOSED Lincoln's Birthday 

Monday Feb 17th ~ CLOSED Presidents Day

Friday  Feb 21st ~ Dentist Visit 11:30 am. ALL parents and families welcome to attend even if it is not your scheduled day. Please arrive at 11:20 and plan to stay with your child. 

Valentine's Day

We will be having a card exchange and party next Th and Friday mornings. Please bring 12 unnamed cards or treats (enough for 12). They can be signed by your child but leave the "to" field blank. Children who are here both days will celebrate on their respective days (blue birds on Th and red birds on Fri). 

Food treats are welcome but I ask that they be fairly healthy :)