Ooey Gooey Week Continued

Farmers Market area was still popular this week 

We made Kale Chips 

Ripley brought in home made pickles! 

The sensory table experience changes when the tub is tilted on its side

We still had out our regular manipulatives for table time 

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Acting out the song "10 Green and Speckled Frogs ... sitting on a hollow log"

Spraying dry cornstarch with liquid water colors 

Colored Spaghetti Day 2 

TP Tossing 

They used full rolls and were able to throw very far and high! 

Ooey Gooey

Wordless Wednesday 

Farmers Market

We have been having a blast with this week theme! 

Our farmers market stand and picnic area

Every grocer need a name-tag

Sorting by color and variety 

Carrots for our sign 

Using real fruits as models for our art


Food and non-food item sorting at circle

Making invitations for Saturdays farmers market field trip 

Red Birds made colorful poster

Fruit is $1.00 (thanks Leesy for helping make the sign) 

At our Market we give the customers food and MONEY! 

Great social interactions happening as they share and take turns with the new props

Making fruit and veggies at the play-doh table 

Picnic time 

Jackson brought in beets from his families garden

Ripley brought radishes from his families garden (thanks boys) 

same but different 

Radish tasting (didnt go well ... most said it was "too spicy" but they all tried it!)