New Student Teacher

We have a new student teacher this semester. Kaylyn will be here on Friday mornings. 

Hi my name is Kaylyn. I am 26 and a student at Santa Rosa Jr College. I am currently working towards my certificate in the Early Childhood Education Program. I also work part-time at Target in Rohnert Park. I am a huge Giants fan. I live in Santa Rosa with my Mom, 3 cats, and dog. I am looking forward to spending time with the kids.

New Sign-in Procedure

For the month of February we are going to try something new. Children will find and circle their name on a class roster  This list will include all children enrolled.

  • Red Birds should be able to do this without any adult help. 

  • Blue Bird parents are encouraged to start by helping them find the first letter. "Johnny starts with J, let's find a J. Here is J for Johnny, let's circle it together". Please remind your child to only circle their name. This sheet is not for scribbling on. 

Please Don't Help My Kids

A wonderful article about the importance of letting your children learn for themselves - the satisfaction and pride they feel knowing they can do it themselves far outweigh any bumps and scrapes they earn along the way! Enjoy.

Welcome Misha

We have a new friend this week

Adam showed him around and was a great friend this morning 

Misha is almost 3 and will be here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 

the joys of being a family child care

The best part of being licensed as a FCC home is that we can care for mixed ages. So many of the kids come at 12 or 16 months and stay until Kindergarten. Two of our alumni came for a visit today ... it was so fun to see them excited to see old friends and play so nicely with a few new ones.

Gwen and Lulu