Happy Social Media Day!

Social Media has become an integral part of every day life for most here in the US. It connects us to one another on a much different level than we might get otherwise .. I, for one, LOVE it! That being said there are a few too many different outlets for my liking. Yes, I might be on Linked-In but really, why? I don't twit or tweet nor do I have Circles of friends. I do, however, LOVE Facebook and Pinterest. 

If you send me a request in Linked-In, Google + etc... I probably wont reply. 

I often get requests to be "Friends" with parents and don't mind (feel free to find me). I will say, if you are easily offended or get annoyed reading about my dog and how cute he is then I suggest you don't friend me.  However, I think it's fun to see what the families are doing and share that with the kids (ie: "I saw that you and daddy went fishing" or "somebody slept in a big boy bed last night!"). Social media was meant and built upon the idea of making connections and what better way to do that? 

Pinterest, on the other hand, is my personal place to organize curriculum ideas ... I have several parents following me and can't really figure out why. I don't have anything personal ... it's all Montessori, preschool theme and special needs related items. 


Thank you Jackson! 

Jackson caught a very large tadpole last night at the creek here in G section. He brought "it" in for us to watch as it transforms into a bullfrog (our guess). I think this process will take a bit longer than the butterflies. We are working on making a habitat for him so that he feels at home. 

Next week we will decide on a name for him. The nominees so far are *George *Rosie *Mr Tadpole *Froggie. I'm sure there will be other nominations as well but the final name will be chosen by a vote.... Democracy in action (can't start too early). 

4th of July

A reminder that we are closed next Wednesday for the 4th of July 

If you are buying fireworks please support the Early Learning Institute (ELI) by purchasing your FIREWORKS at their booth in the Target Parking Lot in Rohnert Park!


From Caterpillars to Butterflies

The caterpillars got big fast! 
Waiting while they transform 

They emerged! 

They love the sweet "nectar" we gave them 

Pretending to be Butterflies and use our tongue that rolls in and out 

We had 10 beautiful butterflies so all of the kids who wanted to got  to release one 

Some didn't fly very far ... we were very careful to give them room 

Even the little ones were excited to participate 

The Blog

My blogging seems to wax and wane depending on how crazy it is here ... it's not that we aren't doing as much ... in all honestly it's probably that we are doing more! That doesn't mean, however, that its not updated or does not have current information listed. The calendar is always up to date with snack days, Birthdays, Holidays and more. You can also find program information listed on the right hand column towards the bottom. Currently it contains files / links to Potty Training guidelines, Kindergarten readiness as well as a copy of your contract (which explains fees and due dates) and handbook highlights (clothing, parking, picking-up). 

Warm Weather

Summer has finally arrived! As you know, Summer means lots of outdoor water play and messy art. Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately (shorts and short sleeve shirts) to be outside and comes with sunscreen already applied for the morning. Also, be sure to check your child's cubby and their extra clothes supply.

Attention nappers:

Please replace thick blankets with lighter (sheet like) ones. Most of the kids like to be covered up ... we take it off and they pull it back on. We do use fans during nap to keep the air moving and the kids as cool as possible.

If possible, please bring a reusable water bottle for the afternoon. In years past I have supplied them but it makes it challenging to label so little ones know its theirs.