Making Muffins

A huge thank you to Jackson and Adam who brought in zucchini to share.

Family Gardens

Anyone have "extra" zucchini or squash they need to get rid of? (oops, I mean share) We would love to do some cooking with the kids and they LOVE zucchini bread!

Fall Enrollments

I don't know about you but I don't feel like we have had much summer yet and it's already late June :( CRPCSD classes resume in one month from now on Tuesday August 23rd.

In an effort to figure out openings and schedules for next school year I am asking everyone to please email me your requested schedule to begin on Monday Aug 22. Our master attendance sheet will be filled in as I get your emails so please do this ASAP. We will then begin taking names off of the wait list. 

It is suggested that all Pre-K aged children attend at least 3 mornings per week; T,W,Th. 

Please note there will be no rate increase for the 2011-2012 school year. New contracts and emergency paperwork packets will go home in a few weeks.

Cooking with kids

Sunday, July 17 is National Ice Cream Day!

A hot (hopefully) July day calls for some homemade ice cream! You can turn the process into a fun food science lesson by making ice cream in a bag. For older kids you can get more detailed and explain what is happening. As salt lowers the freezing point of ice it makes a super cold salt-water brine that absorbs the heat from the milk. For younger kids you can show them how the ice is super cold and chills the milk which in-turn makes the ice cream. Encourage your child to shake the bag when making the ice cream. When the ice cream is ready, enjoy the delicious treat that is even sweeter because you and your child made it together!