Easter Egg Potluck at the Park

A few reminder about tomorrow.....

It will be a regular morning for those scheduled to be here.

If you would like to walk with us please be here by 10:45 am.

The egg hunt will begin at 11 am in the baseball field at G Park ... baskets will be provided.

Siblings are welcome to attend but the egg hunt will only be for the little kids.

It should be fun ... don't forget your cameras :)

Last call for book orders

The deadline has been extended until tomorrow afternoon. Click on the picture to be taken to the Scholastic ordering page.

Class Activation Code: GLH9F

Signs of Spring: Birds

Along with warmer weather and flowers blooming, the return of birds to our bird feeder is a sure sign that Spring has sprung.

This years group is very interested in learning more about birds (their "correct names", facts etc..) and I am happy to oblige. Yesterday we talked about what they eat and how. The kids thought it was funny to not have teeth, swallow their food whole and let their gizzard do the work.


We made some games and activities for the kids to explore.

If your family has something bird related (books, binoculars, nest, eggs etc..) that you could bring in next week we would appreciate it. 

Although our focus is on backyard birds it's also fun to talk about and watch all kinds of feathered friends. If you have not already done so I encourage you to go to http://www.ustream.tv/decoraheagles  and watch the Decorah Eagles. Their 5' wide nest is perched 80 feet above a hatchery in Iowa. If you wait long enough you can catch the momma bird feeding her eaglets.  

The weather this weekend should be perfect for a bird walk. How many birds can your family see or hear? 

Looking Ahead

I can't believe it's April 1st of 2011! Typically this is the day that we send out written summer and fall enrollment requests. However, in an effort to cut down on needless paper waste, I am just going to ask everyone to please touch base regarding any an anticipated changes. This includes withdraw, changes to schedule(increase or decrease) and vacation schedules. We have a few families on a waiting list for the fall and would like to be able to tell them soon if they can plan on an opening or not.

Summer is from June 1st to August 26th and the new school year will begin Monday Aug 29th.  

We will be closed for summer break the week of June 20th.