Fish Prints


(gyo = fish & taku = impression)


Today we created fish prints.

"Gyotaku" is the ancient Japanese folk art of painting fish. The first Gyotaku were created to preserve the true record and size of species caught by Japanese anglers as far back as 1862. We used a tilapia for our prints as well as brighter colors than typically used.

 First we looked at the fish and talked about what we saw, felt, smelled and knew already. NO, we did not taste him but we did have fish sticks for lunch :) 

 Then we painted him ... washing in between each child's turn so they had a fresh slate to color as they chose. 

At our closing circle we reviewed what we had learned and saw and the kids shared their experiences:

  • "I put colors on it" Ariana
  • "and me do it, we did it, I did it! I painted the fish!" Jackson who was very excited
  • "it had fins to help it swim in the ocean" Maya
  • "I liked the juicy eye ~ it was cool and we got to touch the mouth" Colin 
  • "yeh" Oliver who was not to sure about today's activity
  • "paint it green" Leesy
  • "He had a-lot of teeth and it was huge and he was dead. He was staying at the grocery store, he died. The tilapia one" ~ Lulu 
  • "I touched the mouth and teeth" Gwen
  • "paint the fish" Camelia

Welcome Jakushak Family

We are happy to welcome another new friend, Dylan.
He is 2.5 and will be here two days per week.

Book Order Deadline Extended

Being that this is the first order of the year we will be extending the ordering deadline through this weekend.

Web address:
Class Activation Code: GLH9F

Snack Ideas

"Snack Time!"

These words are magic to a child's ears but to parents can present a real challenge. Brandy and I created a list of ideas that can be used for snack participation days as well as for meals at home.

Several families have also suggested the following books for fun ways to incorporate (translate: hide) veggies into everyday meals :

Scholastic Books Orders

One of our ongoing goals is to nurture a lifelong love of books in all of the kids. You can help by reading regularly with your child. We will again be offering Scholastic Book Club orders this year. Each month Brandy will share her favorites from the list to help you get started.

Septembers Honeybee order form went out today and is due by Friday Aug 20th. This month they have 20 different books for less than $3 each.

We will be offering On-line ordering:

Web address:
Class Activation Code: GLH9F

With new online ordering from Scholastic Book Clubs, you can choose from a much wider selection of books than in the printed flyer. Plus, you can send your orders directly to me online and use your credit card.

Best of all, we earn a FREE book every time a parent places their order online.

It's so simple! Here's how it works:
  • SIGN UP at On the parent page, click the "Don't have a User Name and Password?" link, then register for your own username and password. When prompted, enter the one-time Class Activation Code shown above. This code ensures that your order is sent to us.
  • SELECT the books you'd like to order from over 500 titles available online...and take advantage of online-only specials and discounts.
  • SEND your order to us online by the due date. Books will be delivered directly to us.

Of course, you can still order using the form from the printed flier by returning the paper order and check made payable to Scholastic Books.

 September Favorites

8. Bye-Bye Time

Learning to say Good-Bye is difficult for some kids (and moms). Help your child handle separation with confidence.

37. Let's Learn Colors Pack

White Rabbit's Color Book is a fun way for kids to explore color mixing. This set also includes color paddles so the child can make purple and green as you read the book.

2010-2011 Calendar

Print a copy
The 2010-2011 School Year Calendar is now available

It will also stay on the Blog and website for your reference throughout the year.

Survey Results

Thank you to all of the families who completed the survey and gave your feedback. There will be no rate increase for the 2010-2011 school year!

We had 2 families who preferred a rate increase and the rest (14) wanted the opportunity to contribute snack. The results can be found here. I will do my best to incorporate your ideas and hope that everyone sees bringing snack as a fun way to participate instead of a dreaded chore.

There will be a place for you to opt out and tell us your desired snack schedule on the contract. Fall Enrollment packets will be going out over the next few days.

Brandy and I are looking forward to a great year :) 

Welcome Deaton Family

We are happy to welcome a new friend, Oliver. 
He is almost 2.5 and will be here two mornings a week.

Shark Week

Before dinosaurs roamed the earth, sharks hunted through the oceans!  They're such skilled survivors that they've had little need to evolve in the last 150 million years.These predators fascinate adults and children alike and although they were not on the list of Sea Creatures the kids wanted to learn about I knew they had to have their own week (so did the Discovery Channel). 

A few fun facts the kids enjoyed learning: 
  • The largest eggs in the world are laid by a shark.
  • Sharks are fish
  • Unlike other fish(and kids) they don't have bones
  • Cartilage in a shark is just like the cartilage in our ears and nose
  • Baby sharks are called pups
  • Most sharks have at least 4 rows of teeth
Great White Puppets

Nothing like painting an envelope black and creating your very own shark puppet. Simple but the kids loved them.

 5 Little Fish

Five little fish swimming in the sea
teasing Mr. shark,
you can't catch me
you can't catch me
(whisper) Along came Mr. shark as quiet as can be
And he snapped (CLAP) that fish right out of the sea.

 Repeat counting down until the shark is full and there are "no more fishies living in the sea"

How many kids does it take to be as long as a great white shark? 
The average shark is 15 feet and it took 6 kids.

How long can you get 6 kids to lay on the ground pretending to be a great white shark? 
Not long, they want to "see the picture" :)

 Shark Teeth 

After learning about how cool and different shark teeth are (they can have up to 15 rows of teeth ~ some loose as many as 30,000 in their lifetime and they can replace teeth every few days) we made our own.

Your Input Needed

As we look to begin the 2010-2011 school year in a few weeks I would appreciate your feedback. The base tuition rates have not been increased in two years and with the economy and families continuing the struggle I would like to hold off for another year.

Last year we began the snack sign up which has worked out wonderfully. We typically have a core group of 6 families who participate. If everyone agreed to bring snack once per month it would allow us to keep tuition at its current rate.

An anonymous survey has been created to collect your feedback. Please click the following link and let us know your thoughts by Sunday.

I appreciate your help as we work together to get through this tough economy while continuing creating a healthy environment for the kids.

Frugal Living Blog / Croc's Deal

Lyn, Leesy's mom, sent me a link to Saving with Amy today. She wanted me to see the great deal she got on Mary Jane Croc's ($10 / free shipping). After going to the site I knew I had to share it with you. 
Saving with Amy is just one of many on-line coupon / code deal blogs. If you have one you would like to share email it to me and I will add it to a list on the front of